Русские женщины, что с вами случилось?
Дорогие девушки, добрый день!
Мне 50 лет, я живу в Дании. Я был на различных сайтах знакомств в течение 2-3 месяцев. В своем профиле я очень точно указал мои намерения – встретить хорошую, порядочную и симпатичную русскую или украинскую женщину.
Каждый день я получал сообщения от 18-20-ти летних женщин. Они хотят «создать счастливую семью» с человеком в возврате 30-99 лет.
Они выкрашены до неузнаваемости – с таким макияжем, что они выглядят как клоуны в цирке. Большая часть их фотографии сделаны в студии и сильно отредактированы (я фотограф и вижу это). На многих фотографиях они изображены полуголые – это как сходить в район красных фонарей в Амстердаме, Гамбурге или другой «проститутской столицы». Они не умеют делать хорошие фотографии (о том, как это сделать, читайте здесь в статье на
Несколько раз я отвечал на их письма и пытался объяснить, что они привлекают исключительно непорядочных мужчин.
Женщины моего возраста часто ведут себя ничуть не лучше.
При обмене письмами, когда я начал просить лицо крупным планом без макияжа, они пропадали и я никогда не получал таких фотографий.
Что случилось с русскими и украинскими женщинам? Как бы они отреагировали, если бы я загрузил свои фотографии и был выкрашен, как клоун?
..Ах, да – еще одно:
Очень часто украинские женщины не отвечают на мои вопросы. Тогда я спрашиваю еще раз и прошу ответить, если они заинтересованы. Затем они, как правило отвечают на некоторые мои вопросы, но только на некоторые из них. Потом, спустя какое-то время я сдаюсь и переписка обрывается.
На мой взгляд, при общении нужно задавать вопросы и отвечать на них, и только тогда можно достигнуть согласия в отношениях. Не имея конкретного представления о человеке, с которым ты общаешься, все эти знакомства будут ничем другим, кроме как интернет-развлечением, как кто-то уже упоминал ранее в этой теме.
Спасибо за ваши комментарии, мне очень интересно читать о вашем опыте знакомств.
Удачи! Эрик.
Текст письма переведен через переводчик Google и отредактирован модераторами сайта Комментарии Эрика и without name перенесены со статьи «Как писать письма иностранному мужчине».
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Erik, why don’t you want to find a right girl for you among Dane women?
Я устал от датских женщин. После 40 лет борьбы за освобождение женщин и равных прав (в чем я абсолютно поддержки), реальность такова, что женщины в настоящее время постоянно критикуют своих мужей.Женщина критикует мужа в общественных местах, стали почти нормальными, но если муж критикует жену в частном порядке, это может привести к кризисам в отношениях. Независимо от того, что он прав или нет, она обвиняет его в том, мужчина-шовинистической идиот.
Кажется, что женщины не хотят быть равными, – они хотят контролировать своих людей и сделать их послушными и смиренными. Я на самом деле видели много примеров, где это удалось. В этих случаях муж часто «слом» на женщину – потому что теперь он не настоящий мужчина больше!
I’m tired of Danish women. After 40 years of struggle for women’s liberation and equal rights (which I absolutely support), the reality is now that women constantly criticize their husbands. A woman criticizing her husband in public, have become almost normal, but if a husband criticizes his wife privately, it can lead to crises in the relationship. Regardless of whether he is right or not, she accuses him of being a male-chauvinistic idiot.
It seems like women do not want to be equal – they want to control their men and make them obedient and humble. I’ve actually seen many examples where this has succeeded. In these cases, the husband is often «scrapped» by the woman – because now he is not a real man anymore!
I think if the couple has a crisis in relations, the guilt is lying on both partners (woman and man) but not only on a woman. To build stable relations both partners should work on them and be flexible, otherwise someday such relations will give a crack.
Our women can be the same as you wrote here. or do you think they all are obedient and silent?
У меня нет никакого опыта работы с русским или украинским женщинам, так что я не знаю, что ответить. В декабре я иду на Украину, чтобы встретиться с женщиной. После этого я, вероятно, будет немного более опытный.
I don´t have any experience with Russian or Ukrainian women, so I don´t know what to answer. In december I go to Ukraine to meet a woman. After that I will probably be a little more experienced.
Then I wish you good luck.
Спасибо. Я с нетерпением жду встречи с ней. Если мы можем влюбляться, это здорово. Даже если мы не будем матча я уверен, что мы похожи друг на друга и имеют интересный опыт нас обоих и стать друзьями, а не. Так что мы ничего не потерять.
Thank you. I look forward to meet with her. If we can fall in love it´s great. Even if we are not a match I am sure we will like each other and have an interesting experience both of us and become friends instead . So we have nothing to loose.
Здравствуйте! Согласна с первым пунктом (о возрасте)..конечно, молодые девушки ищут «счастье» за бугром, и меняют молодость на местожительство))). Что касается макияжа.. Вас же, Эрик, не просят предъявить Ваше достоинство в инете! а для женщины макияж многое значит!!)) к конце концов.. элементарно включаешь скайп и видишь лицо в подробностях))) Вы прям как корову покупаете)))
с уважением, Татьяна.
Eric. Why you so categorically speak about all Russian women. Here for example I have exposed quite normal photo in a profile. But to me the exclusively tritely set up men address.
Erik, if you receive question- you answer all of them?
If MY partner don`t answer me (f.e. about his nearest relatives)does it means he is not serious to ME?
And more… It is important You come to your girl earlier?
Or it don`t care? maybe she come to you at first? What do you think?
Эрик наверное ищет волшебницу, которая должна изменить его жизнь (причем он не должен приложить к этому никакого труда). Я бы тоже перестала писать мужчине, который ищет покорную женщину в другой стране, только потому что боится своих. Никто не хочет быть «удобной» женой. Ему нужна послушная женщина, которую он хочет контролировать. О равенстве и партнерских отношениях я вижу тут речь не идет (это мое мнение) А просьба выслать письмо с фото крупным планом без макияжа? Я бы не выслала…это наверно отпугнет многих. Я бы предложила Эрику пообщаться в скайпе, если очень хочет рассмотреть лицо собеседницы. Заодно можно увидеть как она говорить, услышать, что она говорит и понять многое другое.
Erik во многом прав. Я полностью согласна с ним в вопросе фотографий. Я открыла ради интереса фотографии женщин моего возраста (мне 42). И что я увидела? Это фото не 40-летних женщин, а сомнительно юных особ, откровенно предлагающих себя. Это даже не смешно, а скорее печально. Мы прячем свои лица за масками и при этом хотим чистой любви…
Знаете, если бы мне вот так сказали «вышли фотку без макияжа», я бы сто процентов прекратила переписку. Это все равно что «открой рот и покажи зубы», как лошадь на рынке выбираете, честное слово.
По поводу женского феминизма-шовинизма, я уже давно поняла – разводка чистой воды, которую западные мужики, по каким-то причинам своего неуспеха у местных женщин, пытаются вдуть наивным славянским девам в уши.
Девы, не будьте наивными, в Европах точно такие же женщины, как и мы с вами. Они влюбляются, выходят замуж, рожают детей и там очень сильно привиты семейные ценности. Иначе, если послушать нашего Эрика, датская нация давно бы вымерла. Отличительная особенность в том, что эти женщины знают свои права, в случае принижения и притеснения закон будет на ее стороне, и она финансово стабильна и независима от своего мужчины.
Кстати, я прекращаю переписку с мужчиной тут же, если он начинает поливать местных женщин грязью, рассказывая небылицы типа того, что вы нам тут рассказали. Это дурной тон, я считаю.
А по поводу 18-20 летних полуголых «клоунесс в цирке», так кто вас заставляет отвечать на их письма? Не тратьте время и ищите женщин своего возраста и с более скромными фотографиями.
Эта статья надуманная. Думаю, что никакого Эрика не существует в действительности. Потому что прежде чем встретиться с женщиной .нужно не писать письма и просить фото. а поговорить и увидеть друг друга в SKYPE. Там можно увидеть лицо без макияжа и крупным планом ! Задать вопрос и получить немедленный ответ! Пошутить, обменяться фотографиями и слайд шоу. Там уже можно почувствовать, много ли у вас общего и нравитесь ли вы друг другу в общении. Я не права? С нормальными русскими женщинами ничего не случилось! А ненормальных много не только в нашей стране, но и за рубежом! Посмотрите на них на тех же или зарубежных сайтах знакомств . Со мной хотят познакомиться многие зарубежные мужчины, но большинство из них ищут почему-то виртуального секс партнера или переписку по электронной почте для выяснения только сексуальных предпочтений. При этом они практически не интересуются образом жизни женщины, её хобби и привычками, интеллектом. Обо всём этом ведь можно узнать, беседуя он лайн, не так ли? Встречу в жизни они не планируют. Почему я так решила? Да потому, что многие из них просят выслать фото и лучше пляжное. Избегают видео звонков . Очень часто -это скэммэры . Я их распознаю очень быстро и не трачу свое время попусту. Если человек не хочет говорить, используя видео камеру и микрофон, значит ему есть что скрывать. Это может быть даже не мужчина и не иностранец. а житель вашего города. Я неплохо владею несколькими языками и могу свободно разговаривать на английском. Уважаемые женщины и мужчины! Не общайтесь с людьми, которые избегают видео звонков! Мошенники или эпистолярные плуты вам ,надеюсь , не нужны . Владейте хотя бы английским. Без знания иностранного языка ваши шансы почти нулевые. Удачи вам , Эрик, если вы действительно существуете, а не вымышленный герой модератора этого сайта.
Добрый день Эрик!!Буду писать по русски)))Я сама русская девушка, живу на данный момент в России. У меня банальная история знакомства с моим любимым через интернет. Он ваш сосед — это Швеция.Вы правы, многие девушки порой заходят на сайт знакомств как мне кажется ради веселья и развлечься!! Они не знают истинных своих намерений и поэтому до сих пор одни, и не могут найти нормального мужчину!!!Я поставила себе сразу прямую цель — серьезные отношения или никакого общения в принципе просто так!!и я этого добилась, потому что очень дорожу этим человеком и не хочу с ним расставаться!!Я думаю вас стоит поискать может девушек из других стран — необязательно из России или Украины. Вы правы — макияжем наши женщины любят злоупотреблять!!! Порой меры не знают!!Скорее русские девушки часто думают о лице и внешности, но не думают о других качествах…
For sure I´m real:
Hello,dear Erik.
Let me give you an advise once more. Socialize on SKYPE and you protect yourself from many problems and don’t waste your time for nothing in searching your life partner . Good luck.
@ Незнакомка. написал (а):
Have I understood correctly? You do not think it is weird or symptomatic that young women exhibit themselves and will make contact with men who are 2-3 times older than themselves?
Dear Eric!
I do not speak about you. I have the man has asked SKYPE for dialogue.
On a videocall it has started to be engaged in the genitals. It was young and beautiful.
On the Internet many inadequate men. My girlfriends spoke as.
You consider it properly? Whom do you protect?
I in what am guilty?
@Незнакомка. написал(а):
It sounds disgusting what you are telling. I only experience the situation from my own perspective, so I was not aware that of course there would be a lot of perverted idiots, who use women on dating sites as their involuntary audience.
I’m glad you telling that. In general, it is interesting to hear what they think in the «other end» of the Internet.
I don´t find you guilty in anything. I´m sorry if you got that impression.
I´m not protecting anybody. I am in this forum to learn. I tell about that little experience I have so far and I ask questions.
Dear Eric!
It is disgusting to you to listen to me- I understand you. But it was disgusting to me to look at that the man. I have quickly removed it.
On a site I look for the decent, kind, good, lovely friend. I should be understood, instead of to condemn and abuse.
You the man and prospect at you good. Many adequate and lovely, decent, beautiful women in Russia.
I wish you success and a happy meeting!
Out of curiosity I went to the link you gave… Are you serious? Professional photographer? I beg your pardon.
What else are you professional at? I see you are very good at asking women to show their faces without makeup. Thank goodness you don’t ask them to show up in their underwear to see if they have any extra pounds. Listen, Mr. Apollo, for me personally you look like a person who has been heavily engaged in the bottle. If I’m wrong I apologize, but that’s what your facial features tell me. That’s why I believe nobody from your own country (with makeup or without it) want to be with you.
@Red Moscow:
No just amateur/hobby photographer.
On most dating-sites it´s actually not necesarry to ask for bikini-shots. Many women use them — ask them why. I do´t know.
No I´ve never had an alcohol problem — this is just the way I look without make-up. The reason why I am so ugly might be that I´ve worked in shifts for many years as an engineer on a powerplant.
For some strange reason many danish women want to be with me, but I´m tired of them.
Even though I don´t know you I´m also a little tired of you already.
Was this satisfactory response to your insults?
I know what work in changing shifts can do to a person’s health as I myself had to work at nights then in days then at nights again and it had a very bad effect on my health condition, so I do apologize for my words about drinking habits.
If you have been working nights I can also understand that it’s difficult to date someone since in the daytime you are worn out and feel like warmed over dead. I very well know that feeling from my own experience.
If you allow me some friendly advice, I would recommend you the following in your search:
1) change your shift to days. No woman wants to live with a «zombie». Women need attention, especially if they come from a foreign country and have nobody to socialize with but their husband who is fast asleep in the daytime.
2) Don’t ask ladies to show up without makeup. In the countries that descend from the Soviet Union (like Russia, Ukraine etc.) women consider makeup part of their every day «dress code». You can request the photos with a very light makeup, but asking for no makeup is like asking for no clothes: offensive and rude. Ladies feel like you are looking for a pet or a horse and you want to look in their mouth to check the condition of their teeth. (By the way I heard that such habit does exist in some Americans as dental care is very expensive in the U.S.A.). Notice that no lady has asked you to send them the measurements of your private parts, though for some these might be worth consideration. Don’t make ladies to feel awkward, but show them who are are as a person and your true feelings.
3)Women who show up in bikini are the kind that want «sell themselves» or most likely just spammers who use photos of the people from the internet, not themselves. If you are looking for a wife, not a whore, filter them out.
4)Download Skype ( and let people know your nickname their. Even here on this site your real existence has become very questionable. Let ladies see you face to face on the webcam and talk to you on the micro. It will provide you with the same opportunity so you can see who you talk to.
Since you mentioned that you are already tired of me without even knowing me I won’t bother you again. Thank you for your attention and good luck.
Red Moscow
@red moscow
I liked this reply much better than the other one 😉 so now I´m not tired of you any longer……and let me say something about this. When communicating in fora like this, it´s crucial that we are diplomatic as you can´t see the other persons reaction.
If you and I had been friends and were having coffee together, you could have told me just about anything wihout making me pissed.
And you´re right that I look like someone who´s been drinking — I just don´t like to hear that from a foreigner who doesn´t know anything about me.
Let´s all be constructive and provide each other knowledge and facts.
1) It´s funny you use the expression «zombie» — that´s exactly the word I´ve used when explaining how you often feel when working in shifts.
2)Thanks for your advice.
3)I agree — The bikini photos seems to be an advantage for someone like me, as it make it a lot easier to filter them out.
4) I use Skype already and I agree. Writing informative letters is a good start, but it won´t do it alone. If we are serious it´s good to talk — if we have a common language.
What makes me wonder is that a person is trying to find a life partner abroad while women in his Motherland are almost chasing for him.
You say you do not like Danish women, but for God’s sake you are going to involve in your life someone whose cultural background you don’t know even approximately. Have you heard of culture clash? It’s going to happen, it’s inevitable. Are you ready for this?
Will you be able to accept this fact and live though it with your partner who is going to go through a lot of changes and the stress you cannot even imagine? You do you expect her to stay «diplomatic»? Most Slavic women are very emotional and if you expect her to keep everything inside and always be nice with you, it will not happen. («Nice’ seems crucial to you, doesn’t it? You sound like quite an irritable person I can hear it in your writing style and in your facial features without even talking to you).
Ask yourself honestly what do you expect from a Slavic woman? An excellent housekeeper? A cook who will always feed you with fresh borscht and steak? An always ready lover (or at least someone who can fake it since you pay the bills)?
You might tell me differently but most of the men who look for a wife abroad and cannot find a spouse in their own country are looking for some kind of a pet. Always jolly pet who jumping happily when the «daddy» comes home.
Will your wife be able to find a job that will be sufficient for her education and intelligence?
Will she be accepted by your society as an equal, not just some «mail bride» from a poor country?
Ask yourself honestly what is it you can give to a woman from Ukraine or Russia to make her happy with you? Or you think that foreigners require less than women from Denmark to be happy with you?
And if you are able to answer all these questions honestly, our dialogue might continue.
Best Wishes,
Red Moscow
(What makes me wonder is that a person is trying to find a life partner abroad while women in his Motherland are almost chasing for him.)
-I believe you.
(You say you do not like Danish women, but for God’s sake you are going to involve in your life someone whose cultural background you don’t know even approximately. Have you heard of culture clash? It’s going to happen, it’s inevitable. Are you ready for this?)
(Will you be able to accept this fact and live though it with your partner who is going to go through a lot of changes and the stress you cannot even imagine? You do you expect her to stay «diplomatic»?)
-No no, now you misunderstood me. What I said was, that in this forum we need to be diplomatic.
(Most Slavic women are very emotional and if you expect her to keep everything inside and always be nice with you, it will not happen. («Nice’ seems crucial to you, doesn’t it?)
-This question is based on prejudice. I can not answer because it has nothing to do with me.
(You sound like quite an irritable person I can hear it in your writing style and in your facial features without even talking to you).
-OK — here we go again !
(Ask yourself honestly what do you expect from a Slavic woman?)
-Maybe I did that already ?
(An excellent housekeeper? A cook who will always feed you with fresh borscht and steak?)
-I´m an OK cook myself
(An always ready lover (or at least someone who can fake it since you pay the bills)?
-Why are you talking about prostitution ?
(You might tell me differently but most of the men who look for a wife abroad and cannot find a spouse in their own country are looking for some kind of a pet. Always jolly pet who jumping happily when the «daddy» comes home.)
-I´m sorry but I can´t help you in answering this question, as I´ve never married a man from abroad.
(Will your wife be able to find a job that will be sufficient for her education and intelligence?)
-I think it really depends on what type of training the incoming spouse has. An ordinary Russian teacher would probably not be able to teach in a Danish school immediately. In contrast, a music teacher, a hairdresser, a doctor or a gardener could easily find jobs as these educations are universal.
(Will she be accepted by your society as an equal, not just some «mail bride» from a poor country?)
-She´ll be accepted as the person she really is.
(Ask yourself honestly what is it you can give to a woman from Ukraine or Russia to make her happy with you?)
-Maybe I did that already ?
Or you think that foreigners require less than women from Denmark to be happy with you?
-No, but I hope they´ll be different.
(And if you are able to answer all these questions honestly, our dialogue might continue.)
-Yes, that’s allright — but why are you so angry and prejudiced against me?
You replies look smart enough. But not very intelligent. You talk like a person who has no idea what he is doing. All these «maybe I did» and smart pants «I didn’t marry a man» might be funny to yourself, but to me they just show someone who is not ready to take responsibility for someone else’s life. You want to make life easier to yourself not even thinking about how hard it might become for someone else.
Do you say that they accept Russian medical diplomas in Denmark? So they won’t allow your wife to teach children, but allow her to treat patients?! Very unlikely.
How about to go to your boards of education and find out if they even consider accepting Russian or Ukrainian diplomas and provide our specialists with jobs? Do they offer any kind of re-qualification classes? Does the government pay for them or you have to pay out of your pocket? What jobs do they offer after successful completion of the classes?
I don’t believe you have any idea about difficulties that people with higher education face when they end up abroad. Neither has your bride(or brides if they are many). Are you ready to pay bills for her to go to college or University in Denmark to prove her Soviet diplomas? Or you call it prostitution too? Or you just misunderstood what I was writing about?
If you marry a hairdresser or a trolleybus driver, it might be a different story. She might be happy to sit all day home watching Russian movies on the computer and cleaning your flat, spending money on new outfits (if you provide her with it again, and do not call it prostitution, it’s family life with a simple person)… But having a higher education yourself, are you ready for a woman of this education and intelligence level? Do you need a partner or help around the house?
If she has children, are you ready to pay for their education and health care expenses?
And what is she will never be proficient enough in your native language? Since you are not a young boy, your future wife is not going to be a teenage girl either. If a person has never learnt a foreign language in the youth, it will become even more difficult in the mature age.
Will you be able to support your wife all your life and even after you dead, if she is not able to do it herself?
Remember that once you bring her to your life, you won’t be able send her back home and look for someone else more suitable. It’s like adopting children: a lot of responsibilities and a lot of disappointments.
I’m not angry with you, I’m just asking you straightforward questions that a lot of internet brides didn’t even think of (or don’t even want to consider, living in illusions). Do they make you feel uncomfortable? Or you prefer to avoid them and stay in the dream world where everybody succeeds and happy?
Red Moscow
Yes I think you are very uncomfortable to discuss with. Not because you asked me questions and telling me «truths», but because you continue to insinuate that I am a unintelligent bastard who thinks with his penis and have no real intentions.
You have not told the slightest about your own background and yet you expect that I — on behalf of all men in the west — accept to be judged by your self-appointed people’s court … but maybe this was your occupation before 1991?
Finally, I wonder why you refer to all Russian women as if they were helpless chickens.
I´m off to work. Have a nice weekend everybody.
Well, well… It wasn’t me who called you «intelligent bastard». You gave yourself this name, not me. Lol.
I don’t know what you think with, all I know it’s not entirely your brain. And again it was you who decided on the mentioned above part of your body, not me. 🙂
Fortunately, Russian women are not helpless chicken as you might think they are, and some of them were unfortunate to deal with internet manipulators.
Explanation: internet manipulator is the guy who by any means avoids answering serious questions, turns them into jokes, and who is typically oversensitive and easily offended by direct conversation, taking his opponent responsible for making him feel uncomfortable. Do you recognize anybody?
I do not make any conclusions,I just let Russians ladies to see what dough you are made of. Actually you open their eyes with your replies. Thank you for doing this.
I liked Red Moscow’s questions )
It’s really a huge responsibility to bring a wife from abroad.
«How about to go to your boards of education and find out if they even consider accepting Russian or Ukrainian diplomas and provide our specialists with jobs? Do they offer any kind of re-qualification classes? Does the government pay for them or you have to pay out of your pocket? What jobs do they offer after successful completion of the classes?»
«Are you ready to pay bills for her to go to college or University in Denmark to prove her Soviet diplomas?If she has children, are you ready to pay for their education and health care expenses?»
In my opinion men who use internet to find a girl for themselves are not very popular in their country, cuz if a man is adequate, he always can find an equal girl for him in HIS country. I think there is only 5 % of the men in the internet are adequate and have real intentions to build a family. And they should have interest in the questions above.
To #37 I appreciate your point and support. The uneasiest part for me is that people are trying to solve their personal problems by marrying foreigners (and I don’t not speak here just about men, but women too), but as the result they just create total mess out of their own lives and their partners’ lives.
Unfortunately in most cases neither the woman nor her husband are not even close to the real understanding how much unexpected and shockingly unusual life is going to become even in the very simple things when you live abroad far away from familiar environment.
Most fiancee’s visa’s are not long enough to give a woman a decent chance to learn things about the country. Being in the fiancee’s status you often cannot even obtain the information about the benefits that you will get when you become a permanent resident (so you cannot make an informed decision if this country suits you). And to become a legal resident you have to marry a person whose country you do not even know well enough to decide if you even want to live there. It’s a viscous circle you cannot break.
Even women with good knowledge of the language get completely disoriented and helpless and if their husbands are not willing to help them around (or just not willing to do so, calling them helpless Russian chicken as our friend above did). Women often become depressed and feel that they were cheated out of their expectations and return home after years of unhappy marriage (or in other words years wasted on something not worthy while their youth, beauty and health have faded away).
If your partner feels that you are making up this feeling of dissatisfaction, offer him to live for a while in your own country, let him walk in your shoes. Believe most of men won’t go for this.
A person should live for several years in the country of his/her choice just to get a slight feel of being oriented in the environment. I know a lot of people who never found their place abroad weather they stayed their or returned home.
And when children are born it becomes total mess, because the child cannot even leave the country without your husband’s permission. No one will protect your and your children interests, neither the embassy of your Motherland nor the government of his country (even if you are a citizen too).
please think twice before you even try to get into this bloody mess. That’s my friendly advice.
Red Moscow
Well, actually everything is not so difficult and awful as you’ve written here. In Western Europe women have good protection. They are protected by law. If the husband allows himself too much and somehow offences his wife, she can turn to police.
I was just saying that men should be ready to have answers on some important questions.
to 39:
Are you judging out of your personal experience? I mean did you personally have to talk to authorities about the problems in your family? Of course I’m not in Western Europe and can only read stories from newspapers about a Russian actress who was accused in «suffocating love» towards her child, ended up in French prison, transferred to Russian prison from where the Russian president let her go free, but she is still without her daughter who is at the moment living with a foster family in France because her French papa’ felt it would be the right way to protect his daughter from her mother and obviously himself. lol.
I’m telling you from my personal experience (not in Western Europe though) that things get get pretty serious and the law (including international law) won’t be on your side. Women don’t even realize what whey are getting into until all of a sudden their lives turn very ugly.
I’m not saying that this will happen to every woman, I’m saying that that’s the risk everybody should know about.
Почему такой плохой перевод писем? Это идет через сайт?Я не поверю чтобы наши девушки не знали английского, иначе бы тема не интересовала. Мне показалось это было перековеркано авто переводчиком, вроде тех что установлены на компе у всех. Незнакомка. написал(а):
15.01.2012 в 5:34
Dear Eric!
I do not speak about you. I have the man has asked SKYPE for dialogue.
On a videocall it has started to be engaged in the genitals. It was young and beautiful.
On the Internet many inadequate men. My girlfriends spoke as.
You consider it properly? Whom do you protect?
I in what am guilty?
И русская речь Эрика не лучше. Такое ошушение что специально создается эта иллюзия что славянки немного туповаты, хотя очень мног грамотных умных женщин. Но никому это не выгодно. Нужно чтобы снова и снова какой-то Вася из Дании или США, думал что наши девушки на все готовы лишь бы за него выйти замуж. Нужно чтобы снова и снова наши девушки ехали заграницу и наступали на одни и те же грабли и т.д. Если это у наших женщин отнять, то мы им станем неитересны скорее всего. У СМИ будет недоумение: как это девушки с восточной европы больше не попадают в сексуальное рабство или не вляпываются в браки с мусульманами или другого рода иностранцами???? Что случилось???? У них стала хорошей жизнь???? Это нарушит пропаганду восточной европы как таковой…
>И русская речь Эрика не лучше
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Ну да, мужчина думает по другому, не как женщина. Мужчины любят естественную красоту, не любят много макияжа как у индейца))))) и когда часто красят свое лицо.А для женщин это дико, если знаешь что без краски ты не так эффектна, тем более))). И его можно понять и женщин тоже. Такое противоречие мужчины и женщины будет присутствовать всегда, пока мы живы.